Friday, February 8, 2008

A Day I Will Never Live

A Day I Will Never Live…
Feb 7, 2008 will never exist for me. This is a day in my life that I’ve passed over. While my friends back home are busy with their Feb. 7th doings, struggling with work, struggling to love each other, struggling to master Halo III, I struggle to understand how a day in my life just disappeared. What would I have done if I had Feb 7th back? Would I have lived like there was no Feb 8th? I shall not think on such things for I don’t know how I feel about all this.

What Cool Is...
You know what’s cool? Cool is it being Chinese New Years and getting secretly invited by a bunch of Russians to a forbidden pool party at 3am while crossing the International Date Line. That is cool. I have a Russian friend whose birthday is Feb 7th. Nothing significant unless you’re crossing the International Date Line on this day, in which case your birthday does not exist. May the celebration on this non-day be even larger than ever, and may it have no hourly bounds.

Here's Tim catching an apple...

An avid and graceful Caldwell blog reader has gracefully informed me as to the impossibility of my Feb 7th post. Thank you, Reader. Per your dutiful critique, I have updated this entry with a more realistic date.